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I've been using your patch for years and my son is now 13 and has to do another 6 month stint as the vision in his left eye has slipped a little.
Because of you though, we went from 10% vision to 75% now, so thanks for a great product.
I tell as many people as I can in the 'eye' world.
Your product is easy to use and children adapt to using these patches really well. We found the old sticky patch method horrible so it was a relief to find Patch Mate eye patches.
"Congratulations!!!! You have invented the most fantastic product. My little girl, Grace, is now three and bit, she has been wearing glasses since she was 14 months old. She has been patching 3 days a weeks since 2 years old and finally had an operation in August of this year [2004]. I know exactly what you have been going through with the patching, the tears, the irritation that Grace would get in summer was dreadful and having to take the patch off every night was also a nightmare. " (later in the testimonial letter)..."I have also taken the liberty to show this to my local optometrist from where I purchase my daughters glasses; they too agreed it was a fantastic product. "
Di PearceI have been meaning to write for a while and just haven't had a chance to get around to it. I just wanted to say thank you for the patchmate. It is so convenient and easy to use. My eldest twin suffered through the 3M medical tape on his eye for a period of 6 months. With the youngest twin, who's eye condition was diagnosed later, my Opthamologist gave us your pamphlet. Patching has been a non-traumatic experience this time around with the Patchmate and it is a product I would most certainly recommend to others.